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ULYSSES Online #1 and #2 with Gregor Vajda and Dora Vougiouka: Funding opportunities and successful grant application

06/2021 Online

Since 2012, and thanks to the support from the Creative Europe Program, the ULYSSES Network has been dedicated to the promotion of young talented artists in the field of contemporary music.

In reaction to the pandemic and to the ongoing difficulties to travel, or to implement physical gatherings and on-site activities, the ULYSSES Network decided to organize online seminars for its community of young artists, focussing on specific topics related to international career development.

For each meeting, an invited speaker is shortly presenting a specific topic, before the participants get the occasion to discuss this topic together and to address questions.
At the end of each meeting, an « Open Space » allows some of the participants to present their own projects and to exchange with their young fellow artists.

The two first online meetings take place in June 2021 focussing on funding opportunities and successful grant applications :


#1 Friday 18th June 2021, 10.00-11.30am CET
Speaker: Gregor Vajda, program director, Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation

Gregor Vajda presents the opportunities the Foundation has for young contemporary music professionals or students and gives some concrete advice on how to make successful applications. Mr. Vajda is available for questions and discussion after the presentation.


#2 Tuesday 29th June 2021, 5.00-6.30pm CET
Speaker: Dora Vougiouka, European Project Manager, Onassis Stegi/Onassis Foundation

Dora Vougiouka presents European funding opportunities relating to the music sector, including financial support provided under the Creative Europe program, give examples of European projects supporting emerging musicians and share insights of how to write a successful funding EU application.


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