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09/2024 Gaudeamus – NL

De Staat Louis Andriessen & UDECIDE

Gaudeamus presents the final presentation of an educational trajectory with pupils that we have developed in collaboration with the educational design week for pupils U-DECIDE. Pupils are asked to compose exciting sounds themselves for the opening night of the Gaudeamus Festival. In preparation, they are introduced to new music in general, and De Staat by Dutch composer Louis Andriessen in particular. They’re told about the role of art in society, and asked to create their own musical creation in response to De Staat. After listening, they invent, design, record, mix, and edit their own sound with the help of experts, using voice, musical instruments and electronics.

DATES: 27-29 May 2024 / 4 September 2024

VENUES: Kanaal030 & TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht

More info here

Organized in partnership with :
Divertimento Ensemble - IT, Ircam - FR, Mixtur - ES, Ultima - NO
Gaudeamus Festival