Since 2012, and thanks to the support from the Creative Europe Programme, the ULYSSES Network has been dedicated to the promotion of young talented artists in the field of contemporary music. In reaction to the pandemic and the difficulty to organise physical gatherings, the ULYSSES Network proposed a series of online seminars directed to young artists, focussing on specific topics related to the development of their international career. The positive feedback received from our young artist community has motivated us to continue with the series, even after the end of the pandemic.
For each meeting, an invited speaker shortly presents a specific topic, and opens the floor to give the participants the occasion to discuss this topic together, to address questions and share their personal experiences. At the end of each meeting, an « Open Space » allows some of the participants to present their own projects and to exchange with their fellow artists.
#15 Tuesday 4 February, 12 pm (noon) CET
Speaker: Will Dutta, composer
Will Dutta / Photo: Heather Chuter
Topic: The curating composer: creating cultures of new music
In his seminar, Will Dutta presents the curating composer as a new role in 21st century music-making with a distinct set of practices. This role speaks to practitioners, industry and educators alike for the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous contemporary context necessitates a radical reappraisal of who gets to make culture and mediate cultural production. Furthermore, in just 20 years rapid technological change has shattered professional infrastructure and at the same time we are now facing up to the astonishing scale of digital culture. He will reflect on his own practice-led research and wider experience of running Sound and Music, the UK charity for new music and sound.
Speaker bio:
Dr Will Dutta is a composer based in East Kent (UK). Since 2007, he has supported the creation, performance and publication of radical new work with far-reaching impact, including two studio albums featuring Plaid and Friendly Fires frontman Ed Macfarlane, orchestral music by Gabriel Prokofiev and Tim Exile, and smaller works by Anna Thorvaldsdottir and Ana Quiroga. He is Chief Executive of Sound and Music, the UK’s charity for new music and sound, Director of Studio Will Dutta, a Trustee of Electric Medway, Fellow of the Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries at the University of Kent and Guest Lecturer at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.